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All-Gender Restrooms

Thursday, August 19, 2021

What is a single-use, all-gender restroom? It is a lockable room with a toilet and sink, for use by one individual at a time, regardless of gender. The current signage for the restrooms could include “family restroom” or “unisex” but is meant to allow single-use, all-gender occupants. 


The all-gender restrooms on the OUHSC campus are located: 

College of Allied Health Rooms 2017, 2018 
College of Dentistry Rooms 219, 430, 485, 483
College of Nursing Room 107CA
College of Pharmacy Room 129D
College of Public Health Rooms 243, 265, 347, 365, 457
Dermatology Building All restrooms are gender-neutral
Family Medicine Center Rooms 1203, 1213, 1704, 2013, 2014
G. Rainey Williams Pavilion Room 3235A
OUHSC Technology Center Rooms 208, 314
Stephenson Cancer Center Rooms L108, 1005, 2005, 3006, 4006 (All near the east elevator landings)
Student Union Room 240C
University Health Club Rooms 108B, 108C
University Village Apartments Rooms 123, 125