The HSC Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is an non-punitive interdisciplinary team aiming to provide preventive care and early intervention for an individual (student, faculty, or staff) whose behavior is disruptive or concerning (e.g. change in hygiene, emotional outbursts, etc). All students and employees should consider it their responsibility to report concerning behaviors to the HSC Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) for the safety and well-being of the HSC campus community. Reports can be submitted anonymously.
If a person is an immediate threat to themselves or someone else or is incapable of caring for themselves, call (405) 271-4911.
Oklahoma City
Website: Online Reporting Form
Phone: (405) 271-9BIT(9248)
Website: Online Reporting Form
Phone: (918) 660-3BIT(3248)
The University of Oklahoma is dedicated to fostering the free exchange of ideas and opinions and committed to the principles of free speech and expression.
The Campus Event Response Team was established to support student well-being and safety during campus protests, demonstrations, and select events during which there is a potential for counter demonstration or emotional triggers and responses.
Learn more about CERT
Title IX is a federal statute prohibiting sex discrimination. Gender cannot be a basis for a person’s exclusion from participation in, denial of benefits, or subjecting him or her to discrimination under any education program or activity, including employment. This includes admissions, financial aid, academic advising, housing, athletics, recreational services, college residential life programs, health services, counseling and psychological services, registrar’s office, classroom assignments, grading and discipline, recruiting for employment or the benefits of employment. The statute applies equally to men and women. Students can submit a report anonymously.
Oklahoma City
Phone: (405) 271-2110
Phone: (918) 660-3107
At OU, our commitment to cultivating a place of belonging for all strikes at the heart of everything we stand for as a community. Upholding this core value includes our promise to foster an environment of integrity, respect, and the highest ethical standards. Each member of the OU community shares the responsibility of ensuring these values are firmly upheld and concerns are promptly addressed. To that end, the University has partnered with EthicsPoint, an independent third party, to provide a simple and anonymous way for employees and students to report concerns or possible misconduct. Reports can be submitted anonymously.
Oklahoma City
Phone: (844) 428-6531
Phone: (844) 428-6531
OU Advocates is a 24/7 helpline and support service for anyone in our OU community who may experience sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking and/or sexual harassment. This is a free and confidential resource for any student, faculty, or staff member. OU Advocates will provide information about all options and discuss the best ones moving forward; while also providing empathy, compassion, and support. OU Advocates is a confidential resource, which means personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to campus or law enforcement without your consent. Meeting with an Advocate will not trigger an investigation.
24/7 Crisis Line: 405-615-0013
Crisis Line (M-F 8AM - 5PM): 918-660-3163
Crisis Line (After-Hours and Weekends): 918-743-5763
You can also contact OU Advocates through WhatsApp, or stop by in person at the Gender + Equality Center during office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
The university ombudsperson functions independently of all campus offices to ensure OU community members have an impartial, confidential space to express concerns, seek guidance and constructively resolve conflicts. The Ombuds offers a safe, confidential place to talk about campus-related conflicts, disputes, and concerns. The Ombuds is neither an advocate for visitors nor represents University management. Rather, the Ombuds is an advocate for respectful dialogue, fair practices, and mutual understanding. The University of Oklahoma created the Ombuds Office with the understanding that information shared with the ombudsperson is held strictly confidential.
To schedule a visit with the university ombudsperson or to ask a question:
Phone: (405) 325-4137
Office: Bizzell Memorial Library, Room 213
- On-Campus:
HSC Student Counseling Services
(405) 271-7336 / HSC Student Union, Suite 301
- Off-Campus:
National 24/7 Hopeline Network
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Student Accommodation Services, or SAS, is a functional service area on the OU Health Sciences and OU-Tulsa and campuses. Effective November 2024, SAS is responsible for all reasonable accommodations and temporary modifications, taking over responsibility from Norman Campus' Accessibility & Disability Resource Center (ADRC). SAS serves all students geographically based on the OU-Tulsa campus, the OU Health Sciences campus, and all OU Health Sciences program additional sites.
OU Health Campus Contact
Payton Patterson-Jones
Academic Resource Coordinator
Phone: 405-271-5557, ext. 40220
Office: Bird Library, Rm. 164D
OU-Tulsa Campus Contact
Mackenzie Bedwell
Academic Resource Coordinator
Phone: 918-660-3166
Office: 1C76D
The HSC Student Relief Fund is a scholarship opportunity for OUHSC students who find themselves in extenuating circumstances and in need of emergency financial assistance. The Student Relief Fund would like to lend a hand to students that are suffering from a house fire, family death, medical bills, or other various hardships.
Oklahoma City
Apply for HSC Student Relief Fund
Apply for Student Relief Fund
2-1-1 is a free, 24-hour phone service that provides Oklahomans access to information about health and human services. Highly trained 2-1-1 call specialists offer compassionate engagement and can make in-depth assessments and referral plans based on eligibility requirements for each program. We work with our callers to make a plan using our 2-1-1 database – the most comprehensive entity of its kind in the state, with more than 13,000 services available – that improves the quality of their families’ lives. We offer help in more than 200 languages and provide the public with a place to turn for nonemergency needs during times of disaster.
Call 2-1-1
Text 8989211