Campus Life

University Village Apartments

Located in the heart of the OU Health Sciences campus, residents include students, staff, and faculty from the OUHSC's seven health professional colleges.  The UVA is committed to supporting your academic experience through community. The University Village Apartments are owned and managed by The University of Oklahoma.

Apply to the University Village Apartments

If you are interested in applying, please download and fill out a Housing Application.

Once you have completed the Housing Application, please return it to the University Village Office with your $40.00 Housing Application Fee online, by mail, or in person. 

Applications can be emailed to: .

The University Village Office accepts payments by credit card, personal check, bank/cashier check, or cash.  All payments must be made in US dollars. 

Common Questions

How do I pay my Application Fee or Security Deposit online?

To view the online storefront, select the Pay Online feature on the main page of the University Village Apartments site, or click here.

Prospective applicants may pay their $40 Application Fee.

Tenants accepted to reside at the University Village Apartments may pay their $200 Security Deposit after they have completed and signed their leasing agreement.

When is the earliest I can apply?

There is no limitation on how early you can apply.  Many people apply a year or two in advance of when they need to move in. 


You do not need to be admitted to the University before you apply. However, you will need to be admitted or hired by the University before you able to sign a lease and move in. 

Waiting list vs. roommate list

Waiting List

Once the University Village Office has your Housing Application and Fee, you will be placed on the Waiting List.  As fully vacant apartments come available, the next person on the Waiting List will be offered the opportunity to lease.  The Waiting List is ordered by the date your Housing Application and Fee arrive in the University Village Office. 

Roommate List

Another option on the Housing Application is to request to be placed on the Roommate List.  The Roommate List is used by current residents to select a roommate.  For example, you may be replacing a resident that just moved out or you could be asked by someone new moving in who needs a roommate. 

What are the apartment rates?

Rates at University Village are set by The University of Oklahoma Board of Regents.  Effective June 1, 2024, the rates for upcoming 2024-2025 Academic Year are:


A full Townhouse is $1134.00 a month.
Half a Townhouse is $567.00 a month.

* Rates for the 2025-26 Academic Year.


Studio rent is $736.00 a month

* Rates for the 2025 - 2026 Academic Year.

What is the lease length?

University Village leases are for the length of an Academic Year.  The Academic Year always ends on the 31st of May in any given year.  For example, if you move in August 15th, your lease will be from August 15th until May 31st of that Academic Year. 


If you renew your lease, your lease beginning date will be June 1st, the first day of the new Academic Year.  The last day of your lease would be the last day of the Academic Year, May 31st of the following calendar year. 

Contact Us


Jim Weller


University Village Apartments

University Village Apartments

900 N Stonewall Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73117

Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM

(405) 271-0500

@uoklahomahsc  |  @hscstudent  |  @hscstudent