Campus Life

OUHSC Student Government Association

Make a difference

The OUHSC Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the central governing group for the OUHSC student body and includes the SGA Executive Board, SGA Executive Council and SGA Senate.

2024-2025 SGA Executive Board

Headshot of Noah DeMoss

Noah DeMoss


College of Medicine

Headshot of Joel Fowler

Joel Fowler, PharmD

Vice President

College of Medicine

Headshot of Liz Caralampio

Liz Caralampio


College of Nursing

Headshot of Ruth Fiona Bayimenye

Ruth Fiona Bayimenye


Graduate College/College of Pharmacy

Headshot of Natalie Bard

Natalie Bard

Campus Activities Chair

College of Nursing

SGA Purpose

  • To serve as an agency for the maintenance of cordial and cooperative relationships among students, their governing bodies, alumni, faculty, and University administration.
  • To conserve and propagate the ideals and traditions of the health sciences.
  • To promote honesty and individual achievement in academic affairs.

SGA Goals

  • Provide an effective means for all students to have a voice on the OU Health Sciences Center campus.
  • Improve campus life through the creation of sustainable interdisciplinary student activities.
  • Provide opportunities for students to serve and positively impact the greater Oklahoma City community.
  • Provide access to information, services, and programs to students.

SGA Branches

The OUHSC SGA is comprised of three branches: the Executive Board, Executive Council, and the Senate.

SGA Executive Board

The Executive Board is comprised of five elected positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Campus Activities Board Chair. Elections for the SGA Executive Board are held each Spring. Watch for updates on the Student Calendar and in the HSC Daily News!

Each elected board member has a specific role outlined in the OUHSC SGA Bylaws.


The chief officer of the SGA shall be its president. They will 

  • call and preside at the meetings of the Executive Council
  • make a report to the SGA Senate at each regular meeting, reporting the progress of legislation passed by the SGA Senate and reporting all communication to the SGA Senate. 
  • in conjunction with the office of HSC Student Affairs, coordinate and attend the Executive Board’s Summer Retreat. 
  • in conjunction with the office of HSC Student Affairs, coordinate and attend the HSC Student Leadership Fall Retreat 
  • may call a special meeting of the SGA Senate provided that the announcement of such a meeting is either entered into the SGA Senate minutes or written to all SGA Senators at least one (1) week prior to the date of the special meeting.
  • be responsible for presenting all updates of the SGA Senate, under the direction of HSC Student Affairs, to the Provost. 
  • appoint the Chairs and Vice-Chairs and members of the committees with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.
  • be responsible for emailing a written agenda of each Executive Council meeting to the members of the Executive Board and the Executive Director of HSC Student Affairs at least twenty-four hours prior to each SGA Executive Council meeting.
  • be responsible for sending out information for the Robert A. Magarian Faculty Award in the spring of each year. 
  • be responsible for communicating with the Parking Office regarding K-Lot eligibility of Student Association members. 
  • be responsible for scheduling monthly Executive Board Meetings with the SGA advisors. 
  • assist HSC Student Affairs with the Campus Awards Ceremony as determined by HSC Student Affairs.

Vice President and Senate Chair

The SGA Vice President/Senate Chair shall preside as legislative officer of the SGA Senate. They will:

  • preside as chief officer of the SGA in the absence of the President.
  • be responsible for attending the Summer Executive Board retreat.
  • in conjunction with the office of HSC Student Affairs, coordinate and attend the HSC Student Leadership Fall Retreat. 
  • preside over Executive Board elections unless (s)he is running for office. In such a case, a current Executive Board member who is not running for office shall preside. 
  • be responsible for presenting all updates of the SGA Senate, under the direction of HSC Student Affairs, to the Provost. 
  • be responsible for attending the monthly Executive Board Meetings.
  • assist HSC Student Affairs with the Campus Awards Ceremony as determined by the Executive Director of HSC Student Affairs.


The SGA Secretary shall be responsible for all records of the SGA Senate. They will:

  • be responsible for maintaining the attendance records for SGA Senate.
  • be responsible for the recording all amendments submitted to proposed acts and resolutions. 
  • be responsible for attending the Summer Executive Board retreat. 
  • be responsible for attending the Fall Student Leadership retreat.
  • be responsible for recording and disseminating, to the respective members, the minutes of OUHSC SGA Executive Council and Senate meetings.
  • preside as chief officer of the SGA in the absence of the President and SGA Vice President/ Senate Chair.
  • be responsible for determining the rooms in which meetings will be held, ordering food for said meetings, and sending reminders to all meeting attendees.
  • be responsible for attending the monthly Executive Board Meetings.
  • assist HSC Student Affairs with the Campus Awards Ceremony as determined by HSC Student Affairs.


The Treasurer shall oversee the budget of the SGA. They will:

  • coordinate three (3) informational meetings for student organization funding to be held early in the fall semester, typically during the first two (2) weeks of September.
  • submit an annual budget for SGA Senate approval no later than October 15th. 
  • be responsible for keeping an accurate record of all expenditures of the SGA.
  • preside as chief officer of the OUHSCSA in the absence of the President, SGA Vice President/ Senate Chair, and Secretary.
  • be responsible for attending the Summer Executive Board retreat.
  • be responsible for attending the Fall Student Leadership retreat.
  • work with Information Technology services for online budget submissions.
  • submit semester budget reports at SGA Senate and Executive Council meetings.
  • chair the Budget Committee comprised of the seven College Treasurers and Physician Associate Treasurer. 
  • be responsible for attending the monthly Executive Board Meetings.
  • assist HSC Student Affairs with the Campus Awards Ceremony as determined by HSC Student Affairs.

Campus Activities Board Chair

The Campus Activities Board Chair shall oversee the planning and implementation of such campus wide social activities as deemed appropriate and desired, including:

  • Welcome Week
  • Fall for OU Week
  • Winter Welcome Week
  • Diversity Day
  • Sooner Safety Week
  • Spring Fling Week
  • Block Party/Monthly Happy Hours 

They shall submit written budget proposals for such activities to the HSC Student Affairs office prior to the planned dates of the activities. They will preside as chief officer of the SGA in the absence of the President, SGA Vice President/ Senate Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. They will:

  • be responsible for attending the Summer Executive Board retreat.
  • be responsible for attending the Fall Student Leadership retreat.
  • be responsible for determining appropriate publicity strategies for campus wide social activities.
  • be responsible for attending the monthly Executive Board Meetings. 
  • assist HSC Student Affairs with the Campus Awards Ceremony as determined by HSC Student Affairs.

SGA Executive Council

The Executive Council is composed of the elected Board and appointed members of the Executive Council. Shortly after the elections for the executive board (Spring), applications for executive council positions open. Stay informed of upcoming elections and applications by reading the HSC Daily News!

Each council member has a specific role in support of programs, services, or initiatives on the HSC Campus.

Big Event Chairs

Number of positions: 2

Coordinates the OUHSC’s official day of service. Works to establish an executive committee to coordinate volunteers and community sites.

Expected meeting times: 

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on Wednesday evening, and 
  • meeting as needed to coordinate HSC Big Event.

Community Chairs

Works to coordinate a Unity in Health in the fall and assists with activities hosted by Multicultural Student Organizations in the spring. Both events bring the campus together to inform, celebrate, and highlight issues in healthcare. 

Expected meeting times: 

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, and 
  • as needed in the fall and spring leading up to Unity in Health.

Parking/Student Hearing Liaison

Collaborates with the Director of Parking to be a part of the Appeals Committee and the Parking Advisory Committee. You will be the student voice for any parking and transportation needs! 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, and 
  • Parking advisory committee and Appeals committee meetings held monthly.

Campus Housing Advisory Liaison

Serves as the resident liaison to bring awareness of resources through programmed events and activities to the University Village Apartments (UVA). Serve as primary communication person with UVA graduate assistant and apartment manager to address needs and interest. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, and 
  • to be in frequent contact with the Manager for University Village Apartments.

Health and Wellness Liaison

Works with Student Counseling Services and HSC Student Affairs to spread awareness and coordinate health and wellness events. Will also work with the Student Affairs Graduate Assistant to provide awareness of intramural sports events. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, and 
  • to be in frequent contact with the HSC Student Affairs SGA Advisor.

Interdisciplinary Education Liaisons

Works with the Office of Interdisciplinary Education Programs and HSC Student Affairs to help coordinate interdisciplinary volunteer, learning, and education activities. Will also work with the Academic Programs Council to review curriculum changes throughout the University. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, 
  • a monthly meeting with the Office of Interdisciplinary Education Programs, and 
  • a monthly lunch meeting with the Academic Programs Council.

Community Engagement Liaison

Collaborates with the HSC Student Affairs and the VP of External Affairs for OU Medicine Inc. to bring awareness of healthcare and education related legislation as well as a voter drive in the fall. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening and 
  • to be in frequent contact with the HSC Student Affairs SGA Advisor and VP of External Affairs for OU Med Inc. 

All College Benefit Chairs

The All College Benefit Night is the annual SGA sponsored awareness event for a community partner designated annually by the SGA Executive Council. Duties include developing, marketing, and coordinating an event to benefit a community partner. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, and 
  • to be in frequent contact with the HSC Student Affairs SGA Advisor.

Sooner Safety Chairs

Works directly with the Coordinator for Multicultural Student Services, to facilitate a safety awareness fair specific to students in the fall and Sooner Safety Week in the spring. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening and 
  • multiple times with the HSC Student Affairs SGA Advisor and Coordinator for Multicultural Student Services leading up to events.

Blood Drive Chair

Works with each College's Blood Drive chair and the Oklahoma Blood Institute Liaison to coordinate campus wide blood drives each semester. 

Expected meeting times:

  • Exec Meeting held once a month on a Wednesday evening, and 
  • multiple times with the HSC Student Affairs SGA Advisor and leading up to events.

SGA Senate

The Senate is composed of elected Senators from each college who meet monthly to improve our campus and the student experience. A set number of senators are allocated based on enrollment. Senators ensure that all colleges have equal representation for business purposes.

Senators will vote on various resolutions that may affect the entire HSC student body, and will work on projects throughout the year to better our campus.(i.e. campus-wide initiatives, extracurricular activities, budget allocations, community service events, policy changes, etc.)

Each college holds elections for senators. Contact your College President to find out how to be represent your college!

HSC SGA Advisors