The social dimension recognizes our need for human connection. Though we may desire varying amounts of connection, we desire or miss the lack of it nonetheless. Social wellness involves building healthy, supportive relationships with those around you.
Need a midweek boost? Join us every Wednesday on the first floor of the Student Union for some quality time with a therapy dog! Whether you need a furry friend to pet or just a little extra love, our therapy dogs are here to help. Stop by and enjoy some puppy cuddles!
A part of Student Wellness programming .
Join us for a lunch social and halaqah to connect, reflect, and enjoy good company!
Are you curious about what makes romantic relationships thrive? Come and explore the secrets to successful relationships with us as Dr. Cruzan dives into the renowned Gottman's Sound House model, a research-based framework that reveals the key components of healthy, lasting relationships. Whether you're looking to improve your personal relationships or gain insights for your...