Published Thursday, March 02, 2023 @ 1:43 PM

Mental Munchies: Occupational Wellness with Vice Provost Jill Raines

🗓️ Monday, March 20, 2023  12:00 PM  -  Monday, March 20, 2023  12:30 PM
📍 Student Union 205 & Zoom
🎤 Hosted by Student Wellness

Mental Munchies aims to help students develop a self-care plan that works for them by providing “bite-size” versions of the research, offering new perspectives, and actively practicing a method of self-care. Join us as Vice Provost Jill Raines shares the trajectory of her own career journey and tips learned along the way. 


A part of   Student Wellness programming .

Lunch available in room 205 of Student Union on OKC campus. Supplies limited.

Zoom is available for remote access. (Meeting ID: 973 5343 8618)

Intentional Living

This event engages with the following dimensions of wellness.