Optimal Performance: Your Brain on Studying

🗓️ Monday, October 03, 12:00 PM | 📍 Student Union 205 & Zoom

You got into professional school because of your hard work, perseverance, and dedication to your studies. But studying and performing on exams at a professional level may require a different set of skills than what you have used before. Let’s dive into the neuroscience behind what our brains need to sustain focus, absorb information, and increase memory and discover some study methods to help avoid mental fatigue and brain fog.


Check out the attached worksheet for a sneak peek, then print it out and bring it with you as we learn how to optimize our performance.


A part of   Student Wellness programming.

Lunch available in SU 205 on OKC campus. 

Zoom is available for remote access! (meeting id: 967 0781 3122)