Who are you?

How to answer the question: “Tell us a little bit about yourself”.

🗓️ Monday, September 30, 12:00 PM | 📍 HSC Student Union Room 260 & Zoom

“Tell us a little bit about yourself?” Odds are, you’re going to be asked this question—when interviewing for a new job or looking to move into another position in your current company. Is there a “right” way to respond to this question? How can you respond in a succinct and memorable way? In this wellness moment, we’ll help you craft a compelling and authentic way to describe yourself so you can show your best, true self. 

This workshop is lead by Gerry Ibay of Public Health. 


Register GivePulse for this hybrid event!

Can't be there in person? Join on Zoom!

A part of   Student Wellness programming .

Lunch available  on OKC campus. Supplies limited.